Avoid HUGE Fines!!!

Confined Space Awareness
Video on Demand

Avoid turning a routine job into a rescue or recovery

Watch today! Only $169
people profiles

In this training get the answers 

  • Where is OSHA on this Issue? 
  • What is a Confined Space? 
  • What are the Hazards? 
  • Which Regs do you need to know and follow? 
  • Safe Entry Positions and Staff Prior to Entry? 
  • Equipment Do I need a Permit to enter my own Space? 
  • Can I count on the Fire Department? 
  • How Does Your written Plan and IIPP Fit In? 
  • Is there a lockout/tagout component? 

This video on demand training includes handouts with over 100 pages of informational materials, forms, and checklists

Confined Space Rescue

FACT: Cal/OSHA has placed special emphasis on confined space–In every inspection inspectors look at companies who may have confined spaces and fines are rising

LEARN Directly from Cal/OSHA: What it’s looking for; What it’s goals are; How to comply and avoid fines 

Confined space

FACT: You must take specific precautions before you clean, enter or otherwise allow personnel into confined spaces. 

LEARN What you need to know about: Exactly what a confined space is; What are the hazards; Regs you need to follow; When you need a permit to enter your own space 

Confined Space

FACT: Top Industry and government experts will teach you the steps you need to take in order to protect your workers and company 

LEARN about rescue: Is it enough to count on the Fire Dept for rescue Who else needs to standby? 

Confined space

FACT: Fines are increasing and specific steps must be taken before you send people in. 

LEARN from our experts: Safe entry procedures Equipment to have Staff standing by – positions you might need Is there a Lockout/Tagout Component? How you IIPP could be lacking needed iformation

This DVD includes handouts with over 100 pages of informational materials, forms, and checklists

Watch today! Only $169

Confined Spaces:

Attic spaces, Boilers, Clarifiers, Cooling towers, Engine Compartments, Feather and blood pits, Intermodal tank containers, Offal collectors, Tanks – Opened & Closed Top, Bailwater tanks, Baker tanks, Digesters, Fuel tanks, Storage tanks, Autoclaves, Retorts, Caissons, Cofferdams, Crawls spaces, Excavations, Trenches, Furnaces, Kilns, Ovens, Pump/lift stations, Service pits, Steam condensers, Sumps, Vats, Washers, Bag houses, Duct collectors, Casings, Concrete mixers/ready mix trucks, Culverts, Fan rooms, mixing chambers, Grain bins, Manholes (*what do they access), Pipe assemblies, Reaction vessels, Drums, Sewers, Steam and utility tunnels, Trailers and Railcars, Vaults, Water separators, Balers and compactors, Chimneys, stacks, Condenser pits, Cyclones, Elevator Pits, Hoppers, Mixing tanks, Portable tanks, Rotary Kilns and Dryers, Silos, Storm drains, Utility chase, Ventilation ducts, Wells