Emergency Preparedness: What Does Cal/OSHA Require?

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth Video on Demand

  • What do the standards and law require of an Employer How is emergency preparedness enforced? 
  • What repercussions will exist for employers if the standard is not followed? 
  • What the Emergency Action Plan should be for the different types of locations in your business?
  • The procedures for reporting business emergencies correctly What is emergency preparedness? Being prepared with training techniques that you can put into practice.
  • Communication equipment and where it should be placed throughout your business. 
  • How and when to have an “After Action Review” 
  • A panoply of handouts including checklists to help you and your clients manage the risk 

Develop an emergency action plan that protects employees from disaster and your company from Cal/OSHA citations and fines. 

Watch the training for only $169

Click here to watch!

Workplace emergencies are rare, but when they happen, it’s usually without warning. Fire, heat illness, heart attacks, toxic chemical spills, confined spaces, explosions, natural disasters—even workplace violence—can occur in the blink of an eye. Under the new California administration enforcement and fines are increasing and the government is becoming even more aggressive and punitive.

Failure to have an emergency action plan in writing is an oft-cited offense under Cal/OSHA rules. Having a written emergency action plan is required for each location an employer has employees. Whether your company or your client’s company is in construction, agriculture, manufacturing, or retail – noncompliance is no longer an option.


Clyde Trombettas has developed a strong understanding of the California occupational safety and health program and State and Federal organizational responsibilities for occupational safety and health. He has worked with many industries and businesses providing information through seminars and training sessions about the California occupational safety and health program and the differences between State and Federal responsibilities. He has worked with and advised many State and Federal agencies concerning emergency preparedness. He has provided occupational safety and health guidance to State agencies such as: the Office of Emergency Services, Department of Health Services, Division of Oil and Gas, and many county agencies throughout California and Federal agencies such as: Federal/OSHA and the Chemical Safety Board. 


Alan Traenkner is well known among the OSHA community in the western US. Most recently served as Assistant to the Chief of Cal/OSHA where he, among other things, was responsible for jump starting the internal training program for the staff. Prior to this assignment he was an OSHA Assistant Regional Administrator responsible for federal review of the state programs of California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona. He served as the California Area Director for OSHA dating back to disengagement of the California program. As Area Director he was responsible for all federal enforcement, outreach, and review of the California OSHA program. He is well known in the maritime industry as the person responsible for bringing about the wearing of personal protective equipment in this industry. One of his responsibilities with OSHA was emergency preparedness where he managed a combined federal and state response to the California wild fires and an oil spill.